Metaverse for cyber-attack simulation
Client: Avangrid
Date: 2023
Services: Metaverse

Avangrid, as part of its initiative to improve its cybersecurity operations and measures, Avangrid was interested in using the Metaverse to create simulated environments in which to conduct mock cyber-attacks.
To achieve this, they needed to build a virtual substation, meeting rooms and a central command center that would be centrally connected and easily accessible to their various teams.

We designed, created and deployed different metaverse spaces including the central control room with multiple screens and computers, the meeting rooms and the substation, using 3D models provided by Avangrid.
In addition, the Bravent team was responsible for training and assistance in using the environment created for the simulations.
To make the simulations as realistic as possible, additional functions were included to allow:
- Interaction with circuit breakers in the substation, including sound.
- Modeling of two transformer explosions.
- An emergency button inside the substation to reproduce simulated communication with public emergency services.