Business Intelligence includes the set of strategies, applications, or products that transform data into useful information for a specific use.
In other words, Business Intelligent tools allow us to obtain an insight into the environment in which they operate, facilitating decision making, business understanding, or process optimization.
In the Business Intelligence universe, numerous tools allow us to obtain the useful information we need. The products offered by Power Platform are particularly remarkable, as they not only allow us to transform data into valuable information, but also provide us with the means to build the applications that will transform that information.
With PowerApps we will have the tools to build an interface from which we will issue a series of commands. These orders in the form of code will execute the Power Automate flows, which collect and process data to generate certain information that will finally be projected on the PowerApps interface.
As a visualization element, we also have Power BI, which allows us to create an internal model from the data collected from the data source.
It is important to note that it is not only a visualization tool, but as in the case of Power Automate and Power Apps, it can perform the entire process of transformation and modeling of the information according to the requirements.
Power Virtual Agents is a low code tool that allows us, like PowerApps, to create an interface similar to a chatbot. In this interface, a series of flows are executed, which are like those of Power Automate, and are called using commands triggered by the phrases entered in the bot.
Power Platform offers a wide range of possibilities to create our BI products, all without the need to have a high level of programming knowledge or complex languages.