We know that one of the most common doubts when we talk about Cloud migration, is the time in which the migration is achieved. Many of our customers and companies consider this as a risk for the continuity of their business.
Our experts at Bravent understand this alarming situation, so they have designed a migration service to Azure with one of the lowest times on the market, even approaching Zero-Downtime in many cases.
This allows none of our customers to jeopardize the continuity of their business and not find themselves stopped in any situation. Now you can move your entire production infrastructure without fear of stopping the service of your line-of-business, mission-critical, or database solutions.
In addition, we allow you to avoid complex service maintenance situations, since we manage everything from minute one. That way you can move all your solutions to the most secure cloud on the market, in record time.
Tailor-made service:
We know that each client and business are unique, therefore our technicians will study each case and design an appropriate migration strategy depending on the needs of each scenario, and can include deployment of VPN IPSec communications services, ExpressRoute, an extension of corporate identity with Azure AD, AD Domain Services, etc.
Our technicians are Microsoft Certtified Trainers and will be able to train and technically prepare each of the members of your team and be able to continue with the normal work routine with total independence and autonomy.
Business continuity
Take advantage of the benefits offered by the most secure and reliable public cloud to guarantee the continuity of your business.
Transmit security to your customers with the only cloud infrastructure that complies with the measures of the National Security Scheme (RD 3/2010 of January 8).
Take advantage of Azure Backup* services for the protection of infrastructure and platform environments in the cloud.
How does Azure Migrates work?
This service includes the new integrated partner experience, as well as Server Assessment, Server Migration, Database Assessment, and Database Migration functionalities. Azure Migrate works as a centralized location for all migration needs and tools, whether infrastructure, applications, or data.
Migration Scenarios:
- Migration of physical servers (Windows/Linux), in VMware or Hyper-V clusters.
- Migration of web applications to websites in Azure App.
- Migration of SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle databases from your local environment and others.